When a doctor diagnoses you or another member of your household with asthma, you may find yourself constantly worried about taking the right medications and about the air quality outside on any given day. But what you may not yet have considered is the indoor air quality in your home.
Your home is meant to be your sanctuary from the outside world, but when you are asthmatic, your home could be doing you more harm than good unbeknownst to you. There are ways to make your home more asthma-friendly though so that you can breathe easier going forward.
Get to know some of these steps you can take so you can be sure your home has the best air quality possible going forward.
Have Your Couches Cleaned
Many people are unaware that their furniture collects dust, dirt, dead skin cells, and more on a daily basis. While this is not a big deal for most people's health, when you have a household member with asthma, it can be a serious problem.
Having your couches professionally cleaned on a regular basis can help to alleviate some of the problems this buildup in your couches and other fabric furniture. Professional deep-cleaning services for fabric furniture are usually options that people only think about when water or fire have damaged their furniture.
However, you can have your furniture deep-cleaned on a regular basis just as easily with the same high-quality results and benefits. Consider having your couches professionally cleaned every three to six months for severely asthmatic household members, and you will likely notice an immediate difference in their breathing quality.
Have Your Air Ducts Cleaned
The cleanliness of the actual air circulating in your home is another factor that can significantly impact the respiration quality of a person with asthma. While many people think that it is enough to change the air filter regularly, this can only do so much for the air quality in your home.
You will also want to have your ductwork cleaned to remove any dirt, hair, dust, and other debris from the vents. It is surprising to many people just how dirty their air vents and ducts can get in their home, but all of the dust and dirt that gets tracked in from the outside could easily end up in those vents.
Professional duct cleaning will get rid of any and all dirt in your HVAC system so that the air you are circulating in your home is as pure and clean as possible.
Have Mold Inspection and Remediation Performed
Mold is one of the worst things that can be in your home when you have a household member with asthma. Whether it is toxic black mold or other seemingly less dangerous forms of mold, the spores that mold releases into the air can cause serious breathing problems even in those that do not have compromised respiratory health.
Unfortunately for most homeowners, mold can grow in areas that you do not look at very often and that are hidden from the naked eye, making it tough to detect. To ensure that you do not have a mold problem in your home, you should have a professional mold inspection performed in your home.
The service people will check your home using their naked eye as well as tools like moisture meters and thermal cameras to find any potential areas of mold in your home. Then, if there is mold detected, you can have mold remediation performed.
Mold remediation is more than just mold removal. Not only do the professionals remove the mold, but they also clean and sanitize the area to prevent any microscopic mold spores from causing the mold to regrow. Additionally, if an area of your home is severely damaged by the mold, they can perform demolition of that area to remove the mold.
Now that you know some of the ways to make your home more asthma-friendly, you can get started taking these steps as soon as possible.