IICRC Certified Firm
Wednesday 16 October 2019

HVAC Unit and Air Duct Cleaning in Watterson Park, KY
Free Estimates - 502-208-4979

Posted by at 3:55 PM

  HVAC Unit and Air Duct Cleaning in Watterson Park, KY

Full-Service HVAC Unit and Air Duct Cleaning in Watterson Park, KY

When was the last time that you had your air ducts cleaned? If you're like most homeowners, it's probably been a while. In fact, some homeowners have never had their ducts cleaned at all. Most people don't think about their air ducts until they stop working or get especially dirty. If it's been a few years since you hired a professional to clean your air duct system, you should consider having the process done again. Most homeowners notice a big difference if they have their air ducts cleaned on an as-needed basis. So how do you know when it's time for a professional air duct cleaning?

If you've noticed any of these issues in your home, cleaner air ducts may just solve your problem:

  • Mold throughout the home
  • Worsening allergies or asthma among residents
  • Excess dust
  • High heating or cooling bills

For hvac unit and air duct cleaning in Watterson Park, KY, call ANR Restoration at 502-208-4979.